School Services

Welcome to the Allied Health School Services Program! We are thrilled to provide comprehensive allied health services to international school communities.

The Allied Health Services framework targets 
educators, parents, and children 
educators, parents, and children 
within international school communities.

AHSS Framework

This comprehensive approach begins at the whole school level, progresses to small group interventions, and extends to individual therapy. Each component is interconnected, allowing for flexibility and responsiveness to the specific needs of the school community.


Workshops / Small Group / Class Strategies

Assessment / IEP / One-on-One Therapy

Reference: Response to Intervention Model

Our team of highly qualified and experienced allied health professionals are committed to working together with school communities to enhance the well-being, skills and academic success for all young people. 

We aim to empower educators and parents to effectively support children facing difficulties or challenges in their school environment.

We aim to create inclusive and supportive environments that cater to the diverse needs of children in international schools across China. 

Do these services sound right to you?