Parents Services

We are excited to extend a warm welcome to parents and caregivers as important members of the school community and essential partners in our Allied Health School Services program.

We recognized the overwhelming work, fast-paced lifestyle, and chaotic world that parents and caregivers navigate daily.

Through knowledge, understanding and promoting the well-being of parents and caregivers, we aim to foster an environment where happy parents contribute to raising happy and successful children.


Has your child encountered any of the following issues?

Speech Sound Disorders

Children who have difficulty speaking clearly.

Language Disorders

Children who have difficulty understanding and using language to communication in spoken or written form.

Fluency Disorders

Children who are stuttering.

Voice Disorders

Children who have poor voice quality

Learning Disability

Children who are struggling to perform with academically

Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorders

Children who are easily distracted and lack of concentration or attention to task

Challenging behaviors

Children who with social and emotional difficulties

Motor Function Difficulties

Children who have difficulty writing, drawing and reading

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Executive Functioning

Therapy Services

We have a team of highly experienced, internationally qualified, multi-lingual professionals to provide screening, assessment and therapy for all young people.

Speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists,  therapy assistants, behaviour therapists, clinical and educational psychologists, and counselors can deliver services within the school, online and in some of our therapy clinics.

Want to know more about parents services?